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Satria beraksi...!!!

Satria Kecil di pangkuan bunda

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Posted by Satriaku

Child's world is very different now with the world of children today. In accordance with the child's situation and condition of both the ancient games and lifestyle of children is very simple ancient times. different from kids today and the pattern of the game is very advanced life can even say close to a big risk. In terms of diet, lots of food types and vary widely today. This can enable the impacts vary widely and still be very dangerous to the health development of children. Start type of fast food and variety of food. In terms of technology, a lot of technology that greatly influenced the thinking and activities of the children, ranging from musical instruments, communication devices (mobile phones and computers). Thus the life pattern allows a more daring and highly dangerous for children who can not take it Good for him. Unlike the world of the children of old are still very simple, in terms of lots of food derived from natural ingredients without chemical process. This is very well affect the health condition of children, so very rare in children encounter with a strange disease. Starting from natural materials such as cassava and fruits that do not have a chemical process. In terms of technology, children do not know the first time mobile phone or computer so no effect on the mental attitude of a poor child. They know the games that do not affect mental ugly gobak sodor, hide and seek, mounting nut and so on.


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